“Seeking to be a community where,
Anyone can encounter the grace of God,
Everyone experiences the love of God,
Together we try to live the life of God.”

“Seeking to be a community where,
Anyone can encounter the grace of God,
Everyone experiences the love of God,
Together we try to live the life of God.”

“Seeking to be a community where,
Anyone can encounter the grace of God,
Everyone experiences the love of God,
Together we try to live the life of God.”

Welcome to Haddenham Baptist Church

Somewhere To Belong

We are a church for all-ages of life and all stages of faith.

We meet each Sunday morning at 10:15am at Haddenham cum Dinton Baptist Church, Stockwell, Haddenham, HP17 8AX

We seek to worship our great God, ask big questions, love one another, and equip each other to serve this world.

We hold an evening service at 6 pm every other week. Please check the website for any changes to this.

Haddenham Baptist Church

Resurrect Joy

The fact that Jesus died and was resurrected is our hope and joy because Christ’s resurrection guarantees our own! To rejoice in the hope of resurrection is an act of faith.

All Age Breakfast Service

These usually happen on the first Sunday morning of the month. We begin with a simple breakfast about 10am and the service, which tends to be shorter, starts at 10.15am. The children join in the activities and are in for the whole service.

Haddenham Baptist Church

Praying Together

We frequently pray together in our Sunday services, we have a prayer room which is used regularly especially if there is something on our hearts. We hold regular prayer meeting usually the last Friday of the month, in the schoolroom. We pray together as deacons, and there is ample opportunity in housegroups for prayers.

Fundraising with the Church

We consider ourselves to be a missional church, looking outside of ourselves and trying to support as many good causes that we can. We hold regular social events to raise money for BMS (Baptist Missionary Society) and HM (Home Mission), setting ourselves a target at the beginning of the year which we have managed to exceed for the last few years.

We support ‘Link to Hope’ with the shoebox appeal, Christian Aid, the local Foodbank, ‘Sharing Life’, any emergency appeals and in the last two years our own ‘Hat and Boots appeal’


The big quiz fundraiser